Al Jazeera ceased broadcasting in Israel following Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s announcement of the government’s decision to close the Qatar-based news channel.
Netanyahu declared, “the incitement channel Al Jazeera will be closed in Israel.” Al Jazeera’s local head in Israel and the Palestinian territories criticized the move as politically motivated.
The decision escalates Israel’s ongoing dispute with Al Jazeera, accusing it of bias and collaboration with Hamas. The channel’s shutdown coincides with Qatar’s mediation efforts to halt the Gaza conflict, potentially straining relations further.
Despite the shutdown, Al Jazeera remains prominent in the region, broadcasting critical coverage of Israel’s actions. Netanyahu previously labeled Al Jazeera a “terrorist channel,” signaling his intention to curb its activities, citing a new law.
Al Jazeera denies inciting against Israel and condemns what it perceives as Israeli attacks on its personnel and facilities.
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